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Mark C Winters

Reluctance to Choose Between Internal Integrators

Today, I’m talking to you Visionaries. Here’s the situation. You’ve decided you want an Integrator and looked around your organization. You discover that you actually have more than one internal candidates and you’re being reluctant to choose who the best person is to be your Integrator. Maybe you don’t want to hurt somebody’s feelings, maybe …

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My Integrator is Leaving (or should)… Now What?

Today, I’m talking to you Visionaries. Here’s the scenario: You’ve had an integrator in place and now they’re leaving. Now what? What do you do? We see three scenarios where this happens. One scenario – did you run them off? Are they leaving because of you? The second scenario is that they might need to …

My Integrator is Leaving (or should)… Now What? Read More »

Surviving the Next Generation

Today, I’m talking to family business owners. The topic is succession and succession planning. In a typical family business, there are multiple generations. As the business moves between generations, we’ve noticed certain patterns. One pattern is that family businesses don’t often survive succession when there’s not a Visionary in the next generation. In the first …

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The Integrator is the Tie-Breaker… Re-Visited

I’m talking to you Visionaries out there today. We’re going to revisit a topic we’ve talked about in the past. As a reminder before we start, in Rocket Fuel we talk about the Five Rules and the Five Tools. I want to emphasize that those are the key to maximizing the relationship you have with your Integrator. Specifically, rule …

The Integrator is the Tie-Breaker… Re-Visited Read More »

Integrator Hiring Mistake

Today, I’m talking to you Visionaries. I also have a visual aid, an unhappy Visionary. They’re concerned they made a mistake in the Integrator they hired. What would make a Visionary feel like this? If deadlines are missed, Rocks don’t get done, the team is not held accountable, Same Page Meetings™ don’t happen with regularity (at least once a …

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